Please help us with your monetary contribution to PRIMO to preserve all things Italian American in the United States.
Your generous contribution to PRIMO will help us to publish articles and convey important information in the continuous effort to preserve Columbus Day and to preserve Columbus statues and monuments throughout the United States. Our adversaries are well-financed and well-organized. They have support in academia and mainstream media. Tthey are wrong about Columbus! He was not the villain, as they are apt to portray him. Rather, Columbus was a noble Italian who changed the world for the better in his discovery of the Americas. We need to defend Columbus! We need your help.
As the largest independent magazine for and about Italian Americans, PRIMO is a vital voice in preserving our Italian American heritage; increasingly under assault in the country we love. Besides Columbus, PRIMO has been a stalwart fighter for Italian American churches, other Italian themed statues and monuments under attack, i.e., the Lupo in Cincinnati, and Italian American individuals, celebrities and non-celebrities alike, who face persecution in the public domain.
PRIMO will continue to defend and advocate for all Italian Americans in these precarious times.
We need your help.
Your generous contribution will support the fearless journalism and commentary of PRIMO in defense of all Italian Americans.
Please donate to PRIMO today; with an online payment at the following link:
Or, if you prefer, please mail us a check, made out to PRIMO, to PRIMO, 2125 Observatory Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007
Please note that contributions to PRIMO, although greatly appreciated, are not tax deductible.